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About Mongolian Horn Bow

Blog Introduction: In a land where food is scarce and the winter temperatures can plunge to -40 degrees Celsius, the nomadic people of Mongolia have had to learn how to make the most of the resources they have. One of their most ingenious inventions is the horn bow. The horn bow is a powerful and accurate weapon that has helped the Mongolians survive in a harsh environment for centuries.

How Horn Bow Is Made

The Mongolian horn bow is made from two pieces of wood, joined at the center with animal sinew. The belly of the bow (the side that faces the target) is covered with a sheet of buffalo or cow horn, while the back (the side that faces the archer) is covered with a sheet of birch bark. horsehair is used to create the string.

When all of the materials are gathered, the process of making the horn bow can begin. First, the pieces of wood are curved into shape and fastened together with sinew. Next, the buffalo or cow horn is glued to the belly of the bow using a mixture of pine resin and animal glue. Once the glue has dried, the birch bark is glued to the back of the bow. Finally, horsehair is used to create the string. The entire process takes about two weeks to complete.

When it’s finished, the Mongolian horn bow is a beautiful and deadly weapon. The bows are typically five feet long and able to fire an arrow over 400 yards. They are so powerful that they can even pierce armor at close range. Mongolian archers were some of the most feared warriors of their time thanks in part to their mastery of this powerful weapon.


The Mongolian horn bow is a fascinating example of how necessity can lead to innovation. In a land where food is scarce and winter temperatures can plunge to -40 degrees Celsius, the nomadic people of Mongolia have had to learn how to make the most of the resources they have. One of their most ingenious inventions is the horn bow—a powerful and accurate weapon that has helped them survive in a harsh environments for centuries.

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