Author name: Orgil

Orgil is an entrepreneur and a self-published author. Some hobbies include singing, fitness, and building businesses. Besides those hobbies, Orgil loves sharing his experiences and culture around the world.

Discovering the Magic of Playa Dominical: Costa Rica’s Hidden Gem

Costa Rica is a haven for lovers of pristine beaches, verdant rainforests, and vibrant wildlife. However, amongst its many renowned destinations, there’s one that I found utterly captivating and it deserves to be on every traveler’s bucket list โ€“ Playa Dominical. Dominical, a Place of Raw Natural Beauty Unlike many tourist-heavy beaches, Playa Dominical retains …

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How To Find Apartments in Mongolia & Ulaanbaatar

Embracing the allure of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s bustling capital, and finding the perfect apartment to call home within its vibrant streets can be an exciting yet daunting task. With a city that seamlessly blends modern development and rich cultural heritage, navigating the apartment hunting landscape requires a strategic approach. This comprehensive guide unveils the steps, tips, …

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What is special about Mongolian horses?

Mongolian horses, also known as Mongol horses or Przewalski’s horses, are a breed of small, hardy horses native to Mongolia. They possess remarkable adaptability to the extreme Mongolian climate, enduring freezing winters and scorching summers. Known for their exceptional endurance and resilience, they can travel long distances and thrive on sparse vegetation, making them ideal …

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What is Mongolia Known For?

Mongolia is known for several notable aspects that contribute to its unique identity and global recognition. Here are some of the things Mongolia is renowned for: Nomadic Culture Mongolia has a strong nomadic heritage, with a significant portion of the population still engaged in traditional herding practices. The nomadic lifestyle, characterized by the close relationship …

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